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Cute Cheeky Hamster - Your talking Hamster

This Cute Talking Hamster repeats whatever you say.

That's right, the Cute Cheeky Hamster repeats whatever you say.

Remember Alvin and the talking Chipmunks? The chubby cheeks, big cute eyes, and hilariously adorable voices? Well, Hdeals now brings you your very own Alvin; only this time it’s a talking hamster.

It repeats whatever you say, exactly how you say it, in any language, and in that hilarious chipmunk-y voice!

No kidding. Laugh, and it laughs back. Sing, and it sings back. Curse, and you betcha, it’ll curse right back at ya!

You won't stop giggling, and your talking Hamster will giggle along with you!

The Cute Cheeky Hamster is a great gift and companion for kids and adults alike.

  • Playtime companion for kids; he’ll keep the little ones occupied and rooted to one spot while you do the dishes... and laugh as he repeats whatever they say (or try to say).
  • Dashboard companion for your car; these squeezy little fellas will mimic you to tears as you drive home from work. Oh, and off chance the cops pull you over, they’ll be in for an unlikely surprise when Mr. Hamster pulls the mimicking act.
  • Entertaining companion for pets; Mr. Cute Cheeky Hamster makes for good pet company, repeating every little bark, meow or chirp. He leaves your pet amused, bewildered, and confused. Just picture the scene...
  • Great accomplice for pulling pranks on your friends, too!

But there’s more:

  • He’s made of 100% fluffy, pluff, squeezy, soft, cotton.
  • Comes in three different colors.
  • Automatically vibrates and shakes his head up and down as he speaks or mimicks.
  • Has an ON/OFF button at the bottom, so you get to turn him off when you can’t slack anymore, or maybe when your ribs are hurting from all the laughing.
  • Uses 3 AAA batteries (not included).

Order a Cheeky Hamster for yourself or as a gift for friends or family.

You have a whole 30 days to decide whether you love your Hamster. Otherwise, send it back, and we’ll refund you fully, no questions asked.

Article is published online here: https://www.hdeals.us/product/...